Who owns Fat Cats?
The great overlords of Fat Cats go by the names of Payal and Doug. But really, they're just two crazy, over-worked and never-paid friends with a dream. Payal began building the concept for the store in 2013 after selling her first venture. What intially began for Doug as small projects to help and support his best friend quickly grew into a full fledged partnership.
Where did the name "Fat Cats" come from?
The name "Fat Cats" was born in a car during a brainstorming session between Payal & Doug. They took turns saying the first words that came to mind and "Fat Cats" was the winner. With Payal being a well established crazy cat lady with two fat cats at home, it was the purrfect fit!
Who designed the logo and why does he have a mustache and monocle?
Payal created the concept and a good friend with a signifnicantly better design program created the logo you see today. We wanted a simple logo that would incorporate the play on both the literal and metaphorical meaning of "fat cats" because who doesn't love a cat with a mustache and monocle?
Why organic, fair trade and vegan foods?